The Role of Employee Cybersecurity Training in Tackling Business Fraud

Ailuna believes that effective behavioural change is one of the most important ways businesses and individuals can protect themselves from fraud and financial crime, and cybercrime.

Through our app we can provide users with greater awareness of cyber security and fraud scenarios through the distribution of content, actions, programmes and campaigns that deliver personalised content, nudging and engagement. Our approach to employee cybersecurity training ensures that all users are equipped with the knowledge and skills they need.

Our solution is composed of three elements:

  1. User develops their skills by taking actions – with multiple actions per theme, linked to development of new habits
  2. User confirms their level of competence – by taking proof of learning tests
  3. User engagement linked to rewards – not only by building better habits, but also making sure via regular check-ins that habits are maintained

There are many ways that the capabilities of the Ailuna app – as a structured program based on science and inspired by sports – provide enhanced engagement characteristics across different variables beyond undertaking actions and passing tests to prove competency.

Compared to existing e-Learning training programmes, a gamified app user experience – accessed on the user’s mobile phone – means that employee teams can coalesce to form communities to identify and report scams, use chat to engage with peers and gain rewards with peer group recognition to motivate team members to help each other to better protect themselves.

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