The Biggest Payoff Possible from a Multi-Generational Home

Phil and Deb have found a ‘money-can’t-buy’ silver lining from Sydney’s housing crisis.

In their desire to provide security and certainty for their daughter’s family who were struggling to find somewhere to rent, they invested in expanding their home to accommodate them.

More than they expected, the recently retired couple are now reaping the rewards, loving their front-row view of the grandkids growing up, seeing them much more than would have otherwise been the case.

The Challenge

Their starting point was the single-storey, four-bedroom Minchinbury home they had built in the 1980s.

Despite an extension in the mid 90s, with one of the bedrooms already operating as Deb’s craft room, it was now a three-bedroom home temporarily squeezing in two families while Phil and Deb’s daughter and son-in-law were looking to rent a home.

“It was really tough watching them trying and failing to find somewhere, going to inspections with 30 other families – and that was for homes that weren’t that great,’ Phil recalls. “On top of that, knowing they could be hit with rent increases and be forced to move.”

With their six-year-old grandson now at school age and their two-year-old granddaughter a few years behind, Phil and Deb worried about the knock-on effect.

“We didn’t want to see the grandkids changing schools every few years, assuming my daughter and son-in-law were lucky enough to get into a rental in the first place,” Phil explains.

And so an alternative plan was hatched.

Finding a Solution

Working off a list of recommendations and feedback from other families completing renovations nearby, they approached some builders to find out whether they could expand their home so that both families could live under one roof, but with enough room to have their own space.

One of the builders was Addbuild.

“Emmory (Addbuild’s design consultant) showed very good knowledge in our first meeting, and quickly presented us with a rough design, within 48 hours,” Phil notes. “He was straightforward, and left us to take our time and then get back to him.”

That wasn’t the case with some of the other companies vying for the job.

“Another builder harassed us constantly, there were unending emails and texts,” Phil says, recalling his annoyance. “I had to phone them up to demand they stop.”

The Design

Emmory’s initial design was pretty much what became the building plans. He had used his decades of experience to create a second-storey addition that would give the young family plenty of space upstairs whilst keeping within the guidelines that allowed the reconfigured home to be a “Complying Development“. This avoided a potentially lengthy Development Application process.

And as we noted in a recent article about NSW Planning, currently many Sydney Local Councils have rules that prevent the creation of separate dwellings within one home, but this may be about to change.

“We had to keep within the current planning regulations, so this is a multi-generational home rather than two dwellings – there isn’t a separate entrance or kitchen – but we enjoy eating together anyway, so that hasn’t been a problem,” Phil confirms.

Emmory’s design won the day and contracts were signed with Addbuild.

His plan comprised three further bedrooms upstairs along with a lounge and bathroom for the young family of four, while – aside from the craft room being partially lost for the stairwell – all downstairs rooms were retained giving continuity for Phil and Deb and no stairs to manage.

“The bedrooms upstairs are all larger than the ones downstairs which is great for the kids as they get older,” Phil notes.

Phil was also impressed that Addbuild didn’t wait long to start. “Within a week of signing contracts, the surveyor came, then the draughtsman did the measuring up, then the engineer came. Things got moving very quickly,” Phil remembers.

Living In a Building Site

Surprisingly, both families remained in the home whilst the building work took place, though Phil admits “it was a bit crazy at times”, but as he notes, “Addbuild are very good at setting expectations and keeping you informed, so you know what it will be like before it happens.”

Whilst there were the inevitable concerns about living in a building site, any fears were quickly laid to rest.

“Pat and James came in to do the framework and were so efficient and punctual. They came when they said they were going to come. I could tell we were in good hands.” Phil observes. “All the staff on site were professional and good at their jobs.”

“I worked for James Hardie, so I know quite a bit about building materials, and I could see that there was no cutting corners in terms of the quality of materials used,” he adds.

And what about the disruption and dust? Was it bearable?

“When the roof came off, we did notice a big increase in the dust, but it was a pretty smooth operation, well run and quick, especially when we compare to other neighbours who barely got off the starting blocks in a similar timeframe,” Phil confirms.

As the new addition took shape, the excitement about what they were creating also built, with Phil and Deb’s grandson asking if he could take possession of his new bedroom before the stairs were finished!

He didn’t have to wait long. The build was completed within four months.

The Finished Home

Having now lived in their newly renovated home for just over a month, we asked Phil whether the finished job had lived up to what he was hoping for.

“We can see what an enormous difference this has made,” says Phil. “We saw this partly as an investment in our family – something they would benefit from in the future with the increased value of the home – but more than that, something they would enjoy living in now.”

“Everything about the design works. Everyone has their own space and the upstairs is so well-proportioned. We can come together as a family and also have privacy when needed.”

“Our German Shepherd treats the grandkids like his puppies, so he’s got a new lease on life, and as retirees, we can go away anytime we like knowing there is always someone to dog-sit. Plus, my daughter and son-in-law have willing babysitters on site when they want a night out!” Phil explains.

“Best of all is spending time with the grandkids. When I was a new parent, I had to work long hours to make ends meet, and I didn’t see as much of our son and daughter as I would have liked when they were growing up,” Phil notes with evident regret, “so to be able to spend so much time with my daughter’s kids is very special.”

The new renovations have also impressed others. “When my brother-in-law came to have a look, he said it looks like it’s always been there, which was something we’d hoped to do,” Phil says.

Recommending Addbuild

“Where we live, a few people pass by on their regular evening walks and we’ve had quite a few enquiries from people who have been impressed as they were watching the build progress,” Phil observes. “We’ve been only too happy to recommend Addbuild.”

“It was quite an investment for us, but we feel that it’s been more than worth it,” Phil concludes.

Looking to Renovate?

Addbuild has been expanding Sydney homes since 1980, completing more than 2,000 additions and extensions in that time.

As you can tell from the advice we provide in our blog, consumer guide and masterclass, we are passionate about helping Sydney homeowners realise their dream of creating their forever home.

If you are thinking about expanding your home with a major renovation, we’d love to hear from you and share our experience with you. Call our office on (02) 8765 1555 or send us a message using our contact form if outside of office hours.

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