5 Tips for Winter Walking – Achieve with Athena

Okay, so you know walks are a key part of your overall movement strategy. And you’ve been getting your steps in all summer and into fall! But, well… it’s getting colder. And… it’s getting dark WAY early now, like before you’re even home from work. Between the time change and the weather, I know I for one am not as quick to WANT to walk outside. 

I’m trying to embrace it though, because well, I choose to live in New England, and otherwise, it’s gonna be a long winter. Instead of taking on the attitude that walking in the winter sucks, and subsequently neglecting my walking routine, I’m choosing a different thought.

Remember, thoughts create our feelings, which then create our actions (or inactions or reactions), which then have a direct impact on our results (or lack thereof). If I can think more positively about getting out there, I’m more likely to DO it!

This also ties into a general goal of mine to be more present through little moments.

So rather than just wishing my walks were over, I’ve focused on how I feel energized by moving my body. That I appreciate some sun on my face. That the cold air is reinvigorating. I’ve been trying to listen to less podcasts while walking (because as much as I like to do this, sometimes we just need a break from consuming so much information), and doing more listening to music or walking in silence.

This is helping me notice more of my surroundings: little details in the houses I walk by, the leaves on the trees, a view from the lake. I’m finding the more present I feel during my walks, the more present I feel during the rest of my day.

And of course, it gets me out of the house! Read on for five ways to get more walks in during the winter months:


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