Party Poopers who don’t care about Heaven – 3 Chips on God

In Hindu teachings, it is thought that both Heaven and Hell are accessible to us in our current state as humans.  The idea of a separate Heaven or Hell, after this life, does not really exist – except, as just discussed, the heavenly feeling of liberation from reincarnation.  But it is believed that one can be free from one’s physical body even now, in our current life, simply through the use of the mind.  Detachment of one’s expectation of a permanent happiness from temporary, worldly pleasures is supposedly the key to bliss on earth.  Perhaps comparable to the old Native Indian way of living – one of community, sharing, harmony with nature, simplicity, respect for young and old, and minimal material comforts – which was considered a sustainable, loving way to live together during our short time here.  Or maybe it is possible to have another kind of Utopia, one where we can still have our chocolate and Mc-80-inch-TVs.  (I own the former and am addicted to the latter.  Yeah, yeah, I know I don’t come across as completely enlightened yet, but I’m WORKING ON IT!)

Meanwhile, it is believed that Hell on earth can also be experienced.  Many years ago I visited a company in Bombay to look into the creation of a green eco bag with my company logo that I wanted to gift to clients in the US.  After some initial small talk, the shrewd, money-minded owner took me to the inner chambers of his factory, to show me where the work was being done.  I will never forget what happened next.  When he opened the door to a small room with about twenty women and children inside, the heat and stench hit me squarely in the face.  It comprised the most horrific working conditions I had ever seen, a dark, humid, airless room with no human comforts, just a concrete floor and frail women and children hand stitching garment after garment.  Not even sewing machines were visible, it was a simple line of humans crouched on the floor with needle, thread, and nothing else.  Not even a window. 

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