After assessing the battery’s condition and selecting the appropriate charger. Follow the steps to revive a dead electric wheelchair battery:
Step 1: Remove the Wheelchair’s Battery
To try to repair a dead battery. The electric wheelchair needs to remove the battery.
Step 2: Use of a Pulse Charger
To charge a depleted battery. You’ll need to use a pulse charger. A pulse charger works with a battery defibrillator, jolting the battery life.
Step 3: Connect the Battery to the Pulse Charger.
Follow the pulse charger’s instructions. It helps to connect the positive and negative terminals of the battery to the charger.
Step 4: Charge the Electric Wheelchair Battery
Give the pulse charger to work. It is keeping a close eye on it. The charger will send energy pulses to the battery. This may help restore battery capacity to hold a charge.
Step 5: Check the Battery Voltage
Check the battery voltage with a multimeter after using the pulse charger. The battery has been successfully revived if the voltage has returned to normal.
Step 6: Replace the Battery
Replace the battery in the battery box unit or the wheelchair’s terminal.
Step 7: Charge the Battery
Connect the battery to the recommended charger for the wheelchair and charge it as usual. Ensure that you follow the manufacturer’s charging times and procedures.
Please remember that a pulse charger will not revive all dead wheelchair batteries if these steps do not work. And if the battery is out of its useful life. So, you may need to replace the battery from the wheelchair.