Python is currently a really popular programming language for data analysis, machine learning, Artificial Intelligence, etc. The free Python library Scikit Learn provides user-friendly instructions for related steps. The use of artificial neural networks (deep learning) has become particularly popular these days.
The topic of artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more important today, especially in areas where processes are automated and large amounts of data are processed. In this regard, there are numerous possible applications, especially in the automotive sector, virtual development process, and testing sector. Part of artificial intelligence is machine learning. This is becoming more and more important with traditional rule-based expert systems.
And hence we have come up with the 5 major reasons why you need to use Python in the Automotive Industry.
Reason 1 –
Flexibility and Community:
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Python is a flexible language and can be understood easily even if you’re not from a Computer Science background. Python is a very simple and efficient programming language. You can solve complex problems in seconds. Even if you are a mechanical/automotive engineer, Python is often useful.
And since it has such a huge community, it will also help you to seek help for either the code or even get some ready-made source codes. The Python community is a lot more diverse and has reached out to so many others with its simplicity.
Reason 2 –
Vast Amount of Libraries:
Image Source: qubit-labs
As we have already mentioned the huge and supportive community of Python, we essentially have many people who have developed several libraries that can help you in the respective field. You can find tons of open source libraries like Tensorflow (for optimizing models), Keras (Provides an interface for Artificial Neural Network), PyTorch (a Machine-Learning framework), Pandas (for Data Analysis), Matplotlib for creating animated and interactive visualizations.
Reason 3 – Numerical Analysis& Data Analysis:
Even if you are a mechanical/automotive engineer, Python is often useful. Linear equation and ODE / PDE problems take a long time to solve the problem analytically. In mechanical engineering, there are usually boundary conditions that make solving numerical analysis problems harder than usual.
The applications of Numerical Analysis can be done in various areas like manufacturing, automotive, energy, production, and even in other mechanical jobs.
Reason 4 – Thermodynamics and Efficiency of Auto motives:
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ytimgAs we already know Thermodynamics has always been an important field for Automotives. Python can be used to solve classical thermodynamic problems. Whether the problem is chemical kinetics or fluid mechanics, you can write code to solve the problem and save time. In reality, the industry isn’t paying attention to how to solve problems or get the job done.
In the end, what matters is the efficiency of the vehicle which will not need to be determined in the traditional trial and error way.
Reason 5 – Handling of Huge Amounts of Data:
Also called big data nowadays, websites, applications, web apps, and almost every other service is collecting data from their customers every time. Although, the management, handling, and analysis of the data become a lot harder.
Especially in automotive environments, extensive data is generated in the context of simulation and testing, often requiring automated analysis. In addition to the classical interpretation of individual simulation or test results, machine learning techniques provide new perspectives on models and results. Based on analysis of numerous results (big data).
These are the 5 major reasons that we think Python is much more important to the Automotive Industry and will keep on growing. Let us know your views on Python and its applications in the industry by interacting with us.